"Critical Thinking: The Soul of Communication"

 “Critical Thinking: The Soul of Communication” 

After reading the excerpt, it can be shown how important communication and critical thinking is in the workplace. It is supported by evidence that there were huge losses in workplaces due to failed communication among colleagues.  

As a leader, it is important to have good command and control of my own group. Without effective communication in the team, it is extremely hard to convey my ideas to the team. Not everyone has the privilege to go through courses on communication and critical thinking and therefore, it is my role as the leader to help them understand the importance of communicating within the group to avoid any future misunderstandings.  

A leader is also required to think critically to help the team understand what needs to be done and why it must be done. Through clarity in my messages to the team with supporting explanations, it helps to build trust in the leader’s instructions and intentions. For example, if a team is required to design a project, it is required that I adopt a critical thinking approach to the project to explain the requirements of the project and why it is necessary.  


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